You can download the latest version of Expert PDF here. Each web browser has slightly different instructions for launching the installer, they are described below. Click here to skip ahead to the first screen of the installation window.
Microsoft Edge
You will see the popup below appear at the bottom of your Microsoft Edge window.
- Click Open file.
The installer will now launch.
Internet Explorer follows the same flow.
Mozilla Firefox
The installer will now download to your computer. You can find it in your Downloads folder.
- Alternatively, click the download arrow.
- Choose the installer.
The installer will now launch.
Google Chrome
The installer will download and you will see a popup at the bottom of the Google Chrome window.
- Click on the installer.
The installer will now launch.
Installing Expert PDF
Depending on your system security settings, you may see a couple of Windows notifications. They will advise you that installing this application will make changes to your system.
These are standard notifications when installing or removing software.
- Click Yes to proceed.
The Expert PDF Installer will now launch.
- Click Next.
- Click ACCEPT.
The core components of Expert PDF will begin to download and install. You can track its progress on the screen below.
Once the essentials are ready for use on your system, Expert PDF will launch. This allows you to start viewing documents as the rest is installed. Most features will be unavailable until the installation is completed.
You will also see a popup in the bottom right corner of your screen. From here you can monitor the progress as the remaining modules are installed.
Closing this window will not impact the installation.
Once all the modules are installed, this window will close.
Expert PDF is now good to go.
The first time you open the application you will need to complete the Setup Wizard.
You’ll be asked to either create your account or sign in. Click here for more instructions on how to create an Expert PDF Account.
If you don't have Expert PDF yet, you can purchase it here.
Once your account is ready you can sign in.
- Click Sign In.
To sign in you should:
- Enter your email address and password.
- Click SIGN IN.
- Click on your preferred third-party account.
- You may be prompted to authorize this account to access Expert PDF, choose Yes.
You will now be logged into Expert PDF, and ready to use your product. You’ll see a popup informing the product you are currently using.
At any time, you can change your product to any on your account.
- Click on the Login logo in the top right corner.
- Choose Manage Products.
- Click on the product you want to use.
A popup will appear confirming the product you are now using.
Congratulations! You are now ready to work with your PDFs.
Note: Expert PDF 10-12 versions are no longer supported. Please submit a request to our customer support to receive further assistance.
You can contact us by clicking on Contact us on our main support page.
*You will need to enter your email address. A security code will be sent to you. Enter the code and click on Validate. You will then be able to open a request.
If you require assistance with your software activation, please do not hesitate to contact our team in a live chat, or call us using one of the following phone numbers:
North America: | 1-855-268-4344 |
United Kingdom: | 020 3808 8696 |
Australia: | 02 8311 6443 |
International: | 1 438-448-4290 |